Wednesday, 03 February 2021

To one and all, welcome to the James Ruse Social Golf Club for 2021.

We have 10 rounds booked from February to November with the Mystery Trip in July. Details of each round are listed on the website under "FIXTURES". The first round is at Windsor on Sunday, 21st February with a Tee Time of 7:45AM.

To be eligible to play you need to be a financial member. EFT details are as follows;

BSB - 082345

ACCOUNT - 136178940

You are encouraged to login to the website and confirm if you are playing or not by selecting "YES" or "NO" for that round under "ARE YOU COMING". This needs ot be done at least 2 week before the round so we can confirm the number of players with the golf club. If you have not confirmed you are playing that round it is assumed you are not playing. Please note, we have booked each round for 20 players.

To access the website you need to login. For returning members your username and password are still valid. For new members, the "USERNAME" is your "email address" or "firstname lastname" and the "PASSWORD" is "golf". Once logged in you can confirm if you are playing under "FIXTURES", you can track your ranking after each round under "LEADER BOARDS" and announcements / general information will be posted under "THE CLUBHOUSE".

If anyone has any issues accessing the website, please contact Tony so it can be resolved.


* Address:

* Username (your email address or firstname lastname)

* Password (golf or golfer)



* Cost Per Round $60.00

* Haggle Per Round $5.00

* Windsor(10 carts have been reserved)

* Richmond (10 carts have been reserved)

* Riverside Oaks (Carts will be provided)

* Fox Hills (10 carts have been reserved)

* Lynwood (10 carts have been reserved)

* Mystery Trip (Carts will be provided)

* Penrith (10 carts have been reserved)

* Camden Lakeside (Carts will be provided)

* Glenmore Heritage (10 carts have been reserved)

* Stonecutters Ridge (10 carts have been reserved)



* Andrew Fogerty (President) 0414 983 115

* Gavin Walker (Who knows what he does) 0413 643 705

* Michael Napoli (Captain) 0406 639 588

* Tony Theissen (Secretary) 0476 832 654

Our Sponsors - Please support them !

Cracker Jack Industries

Coochie Hydrogreen Lawn Services

Tassell Automotive

Michael Napoli Hair Design

Gavs Antennas